Electronic Communications Disclaimer
Please read the following carefully as it contains the conditions governing any electronic communications between you and H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC and its subsidiaries (The “Firm”). By messaging with the Firm you agree to these terms and conditions of use. The Firm may amend these terms and conditions at any time without notice. You should check this webpage from time to time to review the current terms and conditions because they are binding on you.
Unless otherwise specifically indicated, the contents of any electronic communication (including e-mail, instant message, text messaging, etc.) and its attachments are for informational purposes only, and should not be regarded as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities, futures, options, investment products or other financial product or service, an official confirmation of any transaction, an official valuation, or an official statement of the Firm. Attachments that are part of an electronic communication may have additional important disclosures and disclaimers, which you should read.
Electronic communications may contain privileged or confidential information, or may otherwise be protected by work product immunity or other legal rules. No confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by any mis-transmission. Access, copying or re-use of information by non-intended or non-authorized recipients is prohibited. If you are not an intended recipient of an electronic communication, please notify the sender, delete it and do not read, act upon, print, disclose, copy, retain or redistribute any portion of such electronic communication. Electronic communications are not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any location where such distribution or use would be contrary to law or regulation, or which would subject the Firm or any affiliate to any registration requirement within such location. The Firm does not waive any intellectual property rights in any electronic communication.
The Firm cannot and does not provide absolute assurances that all electronic transmissions (sent or received) are secure, error free, not corrupted, incomplete or virus free and/or that they won’t be lost, mis-delivered, destroyed, delayed, or intercepted/decrypted by others. Therefore, we advise against sending sensitive or personally identifiable information via electronic communications and disclaims all liability with regard to electronic communications (and the contents therein) if they are corrupted, lost, destroyed, delayed, incomplete, mis-delivered, intercepted, decrypted or otherwise misappropriated by others.
Information in an electronic communication is subject to change without notice and unless otherwise indicated, the views expressed are the author’s and may differ from those of others within the Firm. The information represents a view as of the date of the electronic communication and is subject to change and/or withdrawal at any time without notice.
Any electronic communication that is conducted within or through the Firm’s systems will be subject to being archived, monitored and produced to regulators and in litigation in accordance with the Firm’s policies, any and all local state or federal laws, rules and regulations.
The information in an electronic communication is not intended to replace a recipient’s own internal business processes for evaluating proposed transactions. Recipients should seek financial advice regarding the appropriateness of investing in any securities referred to in an electronic communication and should understand that statements regarding future prospects of the instruments or the securities included in them may not be realized. There can be no assurance that the securities or other financial products or services mentioned in an electronic communication could be sold or bought at such prices from the Firm or another party or market participants. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. Foreign currency rates of exchange may adversely affect the value, price or income of any security or related investment.
The Firm does not provide tax, accounting or regulatory advice. Any tax statements contained in an electronic communication or any of its attachments were not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of avoiding U.S., federal, state or local tax penalties. Please consult your advisor as to any tax, accounting or legal statements made herein. The Firm shall not be a fiduciary or advisor unless it has agreed in writing to receive compensation specifically to act in such capacities.
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H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC is an Investment Bank and registered Broker/Dealer. Member of SIPC / FINRA.
H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC makes the information on this website (“site”) available as a service to visitors, to be used for informational purposes only.
For any questions regarding H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC compliance policies or procedures, please contact our Chief Compliance Officer: compliance@hcwco.com.

H.C. Wainwright & Co. blends traditional values with innovative services, operating with integrity and offering leading-edge investment banking, corporate finance, and strategic advisory services to public and private growth companies across multiple sectors and regions.